AROUND THE WORLD - SAMPLE PACK! 5 - 4oz bags of coffee from different regents of the World! 1) ETHIOPIAN YIRGACHEFFE FLAVOR NOTES: Winy with berry undertones, distinct floral tones in the aroma ORIGIN: Yirga Chefe, Ethiopia ROAST PROFILE: Light Roast 2) ORGANIC GUATEMALAN FLAVOR NOTES: Chocolate undernotes with a nutty finish ORIGIN: Huehuetenango, Guatamla ROAST PROFILE: Medium Roast 3) ORGANIC COLOMBIAN FLAVOR NOTES: Mellow acidity and a strong caramel sweetness ORIGIN: Colombia ROAST PROFILE: Medium Roast 4) COSTA RICAN TARRAZU FLAVOR NOTES: Acidity with a smooth, silky body and full round flavor ORIGIN: Tarrazu, Costa Rica ROAST PROFILE: Medium Roast 5) BRAZILIAN FLAVOR NOTES: Sweet & bright flavor ORIGIN: Santos, Sao Paulo - Brazil ROAST PROFILE: Medium Roast Small batch roasted to order!
Around The World : Sample Pack